Quite honestly this was a very hot day painting at Sage Lodge.
A really quite wonderful group of two families amazed me by their enthusiasm and delight as I facilitated their diving into very fruitful sweet work each creating something I personally loved. Begging the question, "Why did no one tell me how much I would love teaching?"
But when they were done and I was putting the detritus of watercolor-class-for-12 away, the heat hit me. No wonder all the critters find places to hole up. This was brutal.
And then on one of my returns with my cart to the picnic table I was using as home base, I realized I had everything set up to paint myself. I am in one of the most stunningly beautiful places on earth. Have at it! I should paint.
So I did. And I experienced the magic. To be sure, we'd hit the time of day when the angle of the sun is more oblique, and the temperature was on its way down; maybe just a couple of degrees -- but hey, of course my body was registering that info.
Still. When I started to paint all concern of discomfort was gone. The painting took over my body as well as my mind, and some sort of coolness coursed through my veins.
I was healed.