While the outside is spiky and tough and daunting, we know that inside there is potentially a taste delight. Chilled or room temperature, it is an extravagant, fabulous, singular flavor...If you get a good one. And essentially the outside gives you no easily defined clue.
Such a metaphor for dichotomy.
My paintings are messy spiky affairs as well. A pineapple feels like an obvious choice of subject for someone who delights in texture.
This pineapple is sitting on my kitchen island. The black background is the face of my dishwasher. The cobalt blue is the color of the walls and cabinets. The surface it is sitting on is a substrate for tile. I painted a painting that I knew would be covered someday. Use has scraped the surface, creating a texture that screams for tile.
Like the exterior of the pineapple, we don't immediately know if the tile project about to cover the island will bear fruit.
But I have hope.