Mill Creek is the most extensive foray into the Absarokas accessible to the general public and close to Livingston. It is a rocky yet lush, silt glacial ecosystem. Widely used both winter and summer, it connects to a vast wild area that includes Yellowstone and Grand Teton.
Just lately it has become my haunt. There was an extensive fire here since the last time I frequented the area and things have changed. Today, I was overwhelmed by how healthy the plants are, how beautiful the rocks look, and how lucky we are to be alive on this beautiful planet in orbit around the sun.
We humans need to make choices to protect our wild lands. We painters and fishermen and general explorers on foot or bike, horse or motor conveyance all love this area. A gentleman paused his ascent to address me, "Geologist." He said, as I was examining the rocks. His mistake pleased me. I thought about how many lessons we bring home from this place.